Portfolio > Notting Hill Carnival collection 2025

notting hill carnival colection 2025
notting hill carnival colection 2025

the boots of life..
have you worn such boots..
or shoes really..
they sort of define the life you have lead..
i have been sacked for such boots..
strange how offended people get over such simple flamboyant items,
but the maybe its what went with the boots..
you have to ask dirty dog the keeper of the tale..

my greatest love i think made
such things...sometimes its not
till you look back at the decisions you made at
pivotal points in life...

you realise how you could have done things better with the ones you loved.

though they only know half your story before they met you,
a story had she known...could she have lived with the person i left
behind....my other....transalien...

she became a cyberalien after i had left the cyberalien

words morphic code when notting hill was a wasteland.
of jamaican beatboxes in derelict houses under the underpass

the moebian