Portfolio > paintings 2024

"from the well spring in the sky " reach inside the shapeshifting telepathic minds of simon whiteley (art director of happy feet and peter rabbit,creator of the matrix code) and his artist and sculptor brothers tim and phil.  Archibald prize entry 2024
"from the well spring in the sky " reach inside the shapeshifting telepathic minds of simon whiteley (art director of happy feet and peter rabbit,creator of the matrix code) and his artist and sculptor brothers tim and phil. Archibald prize entry 2024
acrylic on canvas
91cm by 152cm

the nature of brotherhood, the strange connection you get from having been born as brothers, see not the outer form,brocolli head, see what lies within. its the connection you get talking to your brothers, where somehow you have a deep mindlink......whats the picture really about the other side the forest side and that link

where plastic electro techno dwellers fear to tread or have forgotten from their youth,
the power of the golden topped one....and other means

how do you learn to open your mind to the planet as a living being...
some would say meditation, i sort of agree, and yet disagree, a meditator fears the direct connection of plants, which is like fearing a banana,

which door you have chosen to take you there. could you ever find your way back to the world you left when you opened that door, sometimes i wish you could return back thru that door and find the world exactly as you left it,
certain people at certain times those sweetest moments that you left in time

a worldwide ban on nature as decreed by all in power,if it doesnt have an american or chinese logo on it its banned, you will be jailed for interacting with the planet as god intended,...well..who are you to go against gods will....techno slavers....with your rules not the planets

written by a techno slaver transmitted to you by techno slaver technology,what a complicated world we live in.