Portfolio > paintings 2024

gadigal land dreaming gadigal spring , the goanna creates the land, the dingoes follow,the whales procreate, the frog narrates. Wynne prize entry 2024
gadigal land dreaming gadigal spring , the goanna creates the land, the dingoes follow,the whales procreate, the frog narrates. Wynne prize entry 2024
acrylic on canvas
91cm by 152cm

whats it about... the nature of landscape itself, do creatures create the landscape, or does landscape create the creatures, look into the goanna gods eyes and you will find the answer

point being do you see a single goanna,dingo,roo,koala in any of sydneys so called green solar tower blocks,

see if you believe you can create gadigal land without the goanna gods will...you will fail...a point totally lost on people pressing keyboards and swiping phones looking at monitors on the 50th floor

honestly without gods creatures there is no landscape, only what men/women have built, magnificent to be sure, but,
...we all know the but...
units,carparks,motorways,tolls,endless digital technologies that all take you further and further away from the paradise god/goddess gave you...
the paradise you seek.
paradise for 10%, hell for 90%.hell for the goanna,dingos,roos and koalas,

see a landscape picture without this thinking, means in the end there will be no landscape just a city of people pressing keyboards and swiping phones looking at monitors

goanna speaks, i listen, see he/she carries the trees as his/her mates do,and
trees eat up carbon dioxide and solve global warming like nothing else